Sunday, 2 September 2018

Disney's Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (PS1) - i don't have a nose Video Review!

Aloha! Welcome to the tenth and final request episode for this series. And what better way to finish than with a review of PS1 classic Crash Bandicoot. Oh. Hold on, this isn't Crash Bandicoot. No! This is Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise, one of the laziest movie tie-ins I've ever had the displeasure of playing. But does it have any merit?

Indeed, this game sees you take control of both Lilo and Stitch as you power through several obstacle course-type levels, reminiscent of a much, MUCH better game. Still, at least there's variety in the attacks - not only can you 'do voodoo', but you can also spit, roll and bum bash your way to success. Oh and summon half naked men to do your bidding. Who wouldn't want that?
Thanks to PH CLANK for the request; hope you enjoy it!
*Regarding the line at 4:47, before anybody mentions it, I'm aware Nani can be seen a the hotel later on in the game, only I didn't consider it significant enough to mention. In any case, I'm pretty certain by this point it's long past one o'clock.
Thanks for your support throughout this request series! It's been amazing, but it's far from over. I've a whole other series planned soon. Speaking of which, go check out my new Patreon page! Any support is very much appreciated.

Twitter: @felixidhan


Thanks for watching, guys! Hope you enjoy!

Michael and Felix

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